What type of veterinarian are you looking for?

type of veterinarian

In my 11 years as a veterinarian I have learned that there are clients that have different expectations from vets. In this blog post I will discuss some of the most common expectations I have encountered.

The Assertive Veterinarian– This type of veterinarian tells you what you need to know about the health of your pet regardless of how you will feel about the information that is shared. Whether it is good news or bad, it will be told.

Pros– What you see is what you get. Upfront.

Cons- May appear pompous and/or disrespectful to people who are not used to that personality

The Yes Man veterinarian- This veterinarian will allow a client dictate how they should treat their pet. Treatment plans may be based on the client’s research from the internet or other not so reliable sources.

Pros- This veterinarian may appear more appealing since they are more agreeable.

Cons- This will not represent the best care for their pets. It may compromise care for the sake of pleasing the client

The Offer everything Veterinarian–This type of veterinarian will recommend everything possible to find out what is wrong with your pet.

Pros- It increases the likelihood you can find what is going on with your pet.

Cons- Your veterinary visit will probably be more expensive with this veterinarian

The minimalist veterinarian- This type of veterinarian looks at symptoms that your pet has and tries to get away with treating the symptoms conservatively. They will only add treatment and/or diagnostics based on the response to the treatment.

Pros- Your veterinary bill will be generally lower with this veterinarian.

Cons- Serious illnesses can be missed because of lack of diagnostics. There is a greater chance for your pets to be misdiagnosed.

The always available veterinarian–This veterinarian you can reach anytime of the day either by phone or by other forms of contact.

Pros- These are obvious as an owner will like the easy access of their veterinarian at all times.

Cons- There are no cons to the client, but there can be a negative effect on the veterinarian’s family or social life.

Most pet owners want a little of each type of veterinarian I mentioned above. But the best veterinarian will have the interest of the health of your pet above anything else. The point of this article is to emphasize that some pet owners and veterinarian are more compatible together than others. A good relationship requires a connection just like any other relationship to maximize the benefit of their pets.

39 thoughts on “What type of veterinarian are you looking for?”

  1. Great post. I prefer the assertive vet. I’m not a vet. I have no vet knowledge. I’m going to my vet so he can tell me what to do with my animal. I WANT to know exactly what’s going on.

  2. I feel like I have finally found a vet group I am comfortable with. They offer the essentials and don’t try and provide good care. I have had a few before who seemed to add a lot of labs and procedures that were not necessary.

  3. I have an assertive vet and while he does come off a bit abrasive at times, I do like his down to the point attitude. Makes me feel like I know what he’s talking about and has my dog’s best interest at heart.

  4. I don’t mind an assertive veterinarian. I do want my pet’s doctor to be compassionate and competent though, regardless of demeanor.

  5. I think I will go for the The Offer everything Veterinarian because nothing is more important than the health of my pet. They are link my family now.

  6. Help Animals on a Daily Basis. One of the greatest benefits of a career in veterinary medicine is the chance to promote the health and welfare of your patients. You also have the ability to relieve the suffering of animals that have experienced traumatic injuries or chronic illnesses.

  7. I like the assertive vet – I have horses and have always appreciated honest opinions, especially given the time, commitment and expense that comes alongside horses. I recently had one horse put to sleep and it was 100% the right decision but I really appreciated my vet’s straightforward, honest approach. Not uncaring, but direct.

  8. Good post. Funnily enough, my dog daughter is in need of updating her shots though I tend to just go to the nearest Petco. I don’t have a particular vet I go to but hopefully she remains healthy so I don’t have to deal with these problems that could occur.

  9. I like a vet that is geared toward the animal I am taking in to be seen. Some are better with small animals, some large. I like the assertive approach where it’s all laid out so I know exactly what I am dealing with. I am thankful for those that will help me help animals I can’t afford to bring in (within medical reason).

  10. I’ve experienced the offer everything and minimalist. I actually preferred the offer everything, although I ended up out of pocket. It’s dangerous when a business profits from love 🙂

  11. This was a very interesting read. As a pet owner, I agree wholeheartedly that a good relationship and understanding with your vet is important. Thanks for this information.

  12. I have a friend veterinarian and I am lost when he’s busy! Ever since I was a young girl he has helped everyone. Those tips from the right person mean so much!

  13. I go to a vet who I used to work for while I was in high school and now as well since I’m still in school. My relationship with her is probably much different than someone who didn’t work with their vet for years, but I think it’s important for them to be upfront.

  14. I don’t own any pet or pets as of the moment but if I have one and need a vet for my pet. I would love to have a vet who care and love a lot and do anything for my pet.

  15. I hear what you are saying about the different types of veterinarians out there. Of course, I want a blend of available but looking out for my pets needs as well as the needs of the people who bring the pets in. Ultimately, I want an honest one who will tell me what the truth is.

  16. I love how you show us the different types of veterinarian. I myself would love to encounter The Assertive Veterinarian. It seems like you are choosing the complete package.

  17. There are so many types of a veterinarian that you will meet. But the most important is, whoever they are, they will give us what we really need.

  18. Very informative. Im not familiared that there are many kinds of veterinarian approach to pets. But i would prepare the assertive veterinarian approach😊

  19. I think the type of vet one chooses will have to do with one’s personality. Some can deal with all of the types of vets that you mentioned and just accordingly despite their different styles, while others will need to have a particular one over the other. Great analysis!

  20. I have 2 hamsters so finding a doctor to treat such small animals were really hard. Fortunately we managed to find one and she actually performed a surgery on one of my dwarf hamsters.

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